Exclusive Offers
This page is updated regulary with exclusive offers and specials for MyRacehorse Customers. These specials range from MyRacehorse discounts, wagering specials from Dabble and dining specials from The Pass! Always plenty great offers and discounts available.
MyRacehorse Offers
The pass
Memberships & Ticketing
Thanks to our ongoing relationships with racecourses around Australia, we frequently are able to secure great ticket/membership deals for our customers. Check back regularly for new offers!
25% off full & young memberships with the MRC using code: MRCMR2425
Join the MyRacehorse Dabble Banter Group Today! With over 3,000 MyRacehorse Owners you are sure to have a fun time and maybe even get some good mail. The MyRacehorse team are in the banter group daily providing behind the scene insights and the occasional winner.
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