MyRacehorse 10 for 10

Owners can now score 10% off for those who buy 10+ shares in any offering!

That’s right, anyone who buys 10+ shares in the same offering will receive 10% of that purchase.

Is there anything better?!



MyRacehorse buy 1% get 20% OFF

Owners can now score 20% off for those who buy 1% in any micro-share offering!

That’s right, anyone who buys 1% worth of micro-shares in the same offering will receive 20% of that purchase.

How good.

Want to know the amount of shares for the offering you want 1% in? Worry no more.

Capitalist x Dejavu Rock = 100 shares, High Tempo = 50 shares, Tochka = 50 shares, The Enchanter = 50 shares, El Toro Macho = 50 shares, Hanseatic = 67 shares, Ole Kirk = 200 shares.

10% discount offer available in respect of a purchase of 10+ shares in 1x offering until micro-shares are sold out. Only available on these micro-share offerings: Anaballistic, Sneaky Sunrise, El Toro Macho, The Enchanter, Our Sassy Lady, Bear On The Loose, Hakatere, Centenario, Hanseatic x Cameo, Unleeshing (Micro-Share offering only), Tochka (Micro-Share offering only) and Exuma (Micro-Share offering only). Offer not available on any other micro-share offering. Ole Kirk x Oxford Angel requires 20x micro-shares purchased in one transaction for 10% off applied. 20% discount in respect of a purchase in this offering when 1% worth of micro-shares is purchased. Offer expires once micro-shares are sold out. Not available for Plus offerings. Offer expires until offerings are sold out. ‘Micro-Share’ describes an interest in a managed investment scheme known as MyRacehorse No 1 (ARSN 646 771 262) (‘Scheme’). Units in the Scheme are issued by Sire Custodians Ltd as responsible entity of the Scheme. MyRacehorse Pty Ltd is the Scheme investment manager and promoter. The relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination can be obtained on the webpage for the relevant class of Micro-Shares. Consider the PDS and TMD before investing.