Quick Conversation had quite a journey with MyRacehorse as she had to overcome a few hurdles and obstacles along the way. Her career started off promisingly with two runner-up performances prior to breaking her maiden in career start number five. Things did go as we had hoped after that, and it was determined that the appropriate choice was to move her on to a new career.


After transitioning via Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance-accredited New Vocations in Lexington, KY, Quick Conversation was adopted by Emily Spraker. She has since been renamed “Lucy” and has settled in very well on Emily’s farm in Virginia. 


Lucy joined two other OTTBs from New Vocations Emily previously adopted. After a few months of relative calm, living out in a pasture with a few friends and just enjoying being a horse, and doing some ground work, she began retraining in the round pen. 


Emily’s plan for Lucy was to work on flatwork mainly, building up new muscles. As Emily likes to expose all of her horses to a variety of new situations, like riding in an area, in a field, checking out jump poles and logs, riding with friends and alone, etc., she allows this learning process to allow the horses tell her what they like and don’t like and tailor retraining plans to the individual horse.


We are so excited to continue to watch Lucy and Emily progress and wish them both the best in their efforts!